Why this mortgage CTO’s most important objective isn’t about tech

LenderClose primarily uses Python, a high-level programming language, for its platform, along with Java to help create an easier user experience for customers.  A “huge amount of automation” is also in play, to help reduce steps for loan officers and enable them to make quicker decisions. Newer functionality driven by AI and other improvements are coming down the line, Schubert explained.


Schubert’s responsibilities cover a wide range. She is CTO, but also manages product, cybersecurity and the user experience.

“I really have a focus on the value that we’re bringing to our clients and the problems we’re trying to solve for them,” she noted.

Coaching and mentoring mean a lot to her.

“We have a really diverse team at LenderClose and I’m really proud of that,” Schubert said. “Half of our engineers are female, which is really unusual. I don’t do anything different than any male counterparts, but I think women feel empowered to work here, which is amazing.”

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