What’s in store for the US housing industry?

“The market is almost moving based on the news cycle for that day,” he said. “Anything related to inflation – any news that says inflation could be higher – tends to move the mortgage rate higher, and any news that inflation has moderated or gas has gone down tends to push the mortgage rates lower. So it’s a day-to-day cycle that we’re living in even though, at a broader level, the rates haven’t really moved much the last four months. I expect rates to stay within this range for the next six to eight months. Once inflation softens a little bit, at some point in time it has to give in.”

Read more: InstaMortgage merges with California brokerage All Cal Financial

But don’t expect a quick turnaround: “Taming inflation has always been a challenge for the Fed,” Shekhar said. “Any time inflation has gone up, it has taken months, even sometimes a couple of years, to bring it down.”

Given the breadth of his experience, Shekhar has become something of an influencer in the industry. He hosts a podcast titled Shashank Redemption, from which he discusses entrepreneurship, technology and life skills with various guests. He’s also an Amazon.com best-selling author with widely acclaimed books – “First Time Home Buying 101”, “Real Estate Unleashed” and the latest #1 best-seller “My First Home.”

As if those weren’t enough, his blog (MortgageBlog.com) was named one of the top 30 mortgage blogs in the world by Feedspot. Shashank also writes for Inc., Forbes and other publications, and is frequently quoted by national media for his mortgage expertise. He is an official member of the Forbes Finance Council and a member of the editorial board at Bankrate.

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