What consumers want in a mortgage lending experience

This general session highlights the unmet needs and new customer experience expectations consumers have for the mortgage buying experience. The data is based on a recent research study conducted by Arizent on behalf of CoreLogic of U.S. consumers who have recently acquired a new mortgage for a home purchase or refinancing an existing mortgage. Additional insights are provided based on generations – Gen Z, millennials, Gen X and boomers – as well as differences between first-time buyers and first-time refis and those from repeat buyers and refis. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn what millennials and Gen Z want most from the mortgage buying experience, and how it differs from Gen X and boomers, as well as what lenders and brokers can do to improve the customer experience for these generations.
  • Gain a better understanding of the most important pain points in the mortgage buying and refinancing process and what consumers are willing to do in order to improve the experience and speed up the lending process.
  • Learn how price sensitivity impacts the home buying process as mortgage rates rise; as well as the other factors that affect consumer decision making.

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