US Navy stint serves mortgage broker well

Singleton doesn’t limit doling out guidance and advice piecemeal, client to client.  His Major Money Matters educational platform has long educated consumers on a variety of financial topics.

“It basically seeks to educate people about the mortgage business,” he said of his brainchild created some eight years ago when he was in the financial planning and coaching field. “We talk about mortgages, money and more. So we talk about some mortgage stuff, we talk about some general money stuff and then we talk about more – family, relationships, stuff like that.

“But it starts around mortgage education – just knowing what’s going on in the market, giving education to people. Just helping sift through the complex things that are happening in our economy right now and putting in a bite-size, simple way for people to understand. And not just understand, but: What do I do next – as a buyer, as a seller, as a realtor? What should my mindset be? What should I be thinking about this situation? And sharing from that perspective.”

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A quick glance at the Major Money Matters modules displays the breadth of discussion taking place on the platform. The first module addresses the first-time homebuyer ,with accompanying videos titled The Quickest Way to Choose Your First Realtor and The Biggest Mistake First-Time Homebuyers are Making in 2022 among the resources.

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