Updated but not replaced: Accurate Group’s appraisal platform

“We have a technology platform that’s usable for every type of lending market, whether it’s home equity, whether it’s a servicing environment [or] whether it’s originations or refinance-heavy,” Baczkowski said. “Some of those business channels – home equity and refinance are great examples – are counter-cyclical.”

That means that now refinance has dried up, for example, consumers are shifting more toward home equity financing, and Accurate Group has a niche in that area too with ValueNet.

“Our platform fits really well into that niche within the market,” Baczkowski said. “The fact that we’ve developed our company … focused on each of the primary lending channels allows us to be diverse enough that when a downturn comes, there are other segments of the lending community that ride, which is why we’re adding appraisers even though there’s a downturn coming, because our volume continues to rise in home equity.”

Accurate Group recently announced it would expand its nationwide appraiser network due to growing demand. These new appraisers, it said, would have access to ValueNet.

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