Try a little kindness, broker says

“I think positivity is key,” she said. “We have to evolve with what’s going on. I’m always on social media being uplifting, and I think that’s key. Friends and family bring referrals,” she said, alluding to her newfound luxury of greater rapport now that refinancing activity has slowed. “I was super busy during the refi wave,” she said. Given the choice, she’ll take the current slowdown to the grinding halt created during the peak of COVID-19 and the need for isolation: “I was stuck in a chair for two years!” she noted.

Read more: “I can do it better”

She would remind fellow brokers that most homeowners move from home to home in their lifetimes, and the opportunity to close deals en-masse will return: “Most people are moving every three years,” she said, predicting lower rates by the time such moves are made.

Slower times in terms of activity have yielded opportunities to truly educate clients – wholesale versus retail, for instance and why she believes brokers are better. “They’re coming to us shopping,” she said of would-be customers. “They’re becoming smarter shoppers.”

Because no broker is an island, Nelson gave much credit to AIME for its support to the industry. “I love AIME,” the nine-year industry veteran said. “I wish I had known about them years ago.” Nelson said she’s especially benefited from the various mentorship programs AIME has to offer.

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