Top Originator Spotlight: Candice Panariso of Motto Mortgage Financial

I spent the next 13 years with that company until I took a few years off to be with my young kids. When looking to get back into the industry, I was approached with the opportunity to join an existing Motto Mortgage franchise as both a loan originator and a brokerage owner. The office was dormant at the time without any loan originators, and I was excited at the opportunity to not only re-engage in the lending world but also develop and grow my own origination team.

In the short year and a half since joining Motto, we’ve grown the office from zero to over $34 million in production in 2021 and a team of five loan originators.

MPA: What are the threats to your business and your success, and how are you handling them? Have you ever been so discouraged you wanted to quit?

CP: I think one thing that loan originators can get trapped by is trying to be all things to all people. I believe in specializing in what you know and do best and then being a great resource to connect the right people for deals outside of what you do. It is OK to refer some specialized loans out to your trusted referral sources that you know can get things done and will make sure your realtors and clients are well taken care of.

Another threat we all deal with is unscrupulous brokers who over promise and under deliver. I am seeing more brokerages and originators using this tactic. They promise the world, and then when a deal gets tough, they stop communicating, and the transaction gets very difficult for everyone involved. This erodes the public’s trust in the broker world. While the realtors and clients will see through this eventually, initially, it can take a toll as people are grasping for ‘creative’ ways to get things done. I’ve found it best to hold firm to what I know I can deliver and always follow through on what I say. I may lose some deals, but in the long run, my business will be better for it.

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