Top Originator Spotlight: AmeriSave Mortgage’s Daniel Farr

MPA: What do you see as some of the watershed moments – the highlights and the low lights – when looking at your mortgage career?

DF: A mortgage career highlight would be originating 90 loans in the month of September 2019. Every person I talked to could benefit from refinancing at that time, and everyone in the country was talking about it. A career-low would be the month following. Luckily, I am extremely organized from my background in law, and I take a lot of pride in responding to clients right away, but with 100+ loans in process at one time, I had bitten off more than I could chew. It was a lesson for me in prioritizing my day and becoming more efficient with my time.

MPA: How do you set yourself apart from your competitors in the lending space?

DF: Most people view mortgages as an intimidating topic due to their lack of understanding. I am the best at breaking down a mortgage into layman’s terms so people feel confident in their options and know they’re making the best choice for their family. Unlike other lenders, I have complete control over the client’s experience with AmeriSave and can tell every client where they’re at in the process, oftentimes without even looking at a file.

MPA: Can you share something about yourself that you’re working on improving and how you think your business will be better/more productive/run more smoothly once you’ve accomplished your goal.

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