Rely Home Loans joins Panorama Mortgage Group

“We’re excited to welcome Manfret and Rely Home Loans to our organization as we endeavor to provide home financing options to the underserved,” Sarah Gonzalez, president and chief operating officer at PMG, said in a press release. “We share a commitment to and value for the Hispanic community and Manfret’s 20 years in the business will go a long way to ensuring we provide homeownership opportunities to individuals that deserve them.”

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Roesner started his career as a realtor before becoming a lender. As a first-generation immigrant, he made it a mission to serve the Hispanic community through personal finance education. It wasn’t long before he was recognized as a Top 1% Loan Originator by Mortgage Professional America and a NAHREP Top Loan Originator by volume and units in 2019.

In addition to his being president, Roesner’s wife Khamphay will also be involved with the company as the operations manager. He has worked with his wife for more than 14 years.

“PMG saw something in us worth cultivating. By partnering with them, we’ll be better positioned to offer career opportunities to those we identify as having the ability and potential to grow into something special,” Roesner said. “At the same time, we’ll be able to further our mission and commitment to serve the Latino community.”

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