Polly pursues wide integration strategy for SaaS mortgage tech

“I ended up deciding to build our own pricing engine internally,” Carmel said, after which he talked to others in the industry about the potential his product had.

“In the subsequent couple of years, I went around and asked other mortgage executives if they had been experiencing the same pain as I did, which led me to build our own pricing engine, and they said in fact they had,” Carmel recalled. “I went to our board and said, ‘Hey, I think there’s a real opportunity here… Let’s build the industry’s first and only vertically integrated capital markets solution that would include the entire value chain within the capital markets category.’”

Carmel said the board supported the idea. The mortgage company’s principals sold it, and some of the proceeds helped capitalize Polly’s creation.

Looking ahead, Polly has many more integrations planned, with loan origination systems, point of sale systems and customer relationship management systems among the interested parties, Carmel noted.

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