PCMA expands into Illinois luxury housing market

“High-net-worth households have complicated and diverse estates that are fueled by the economic growth in the stock market, making it no surprise to see the rapid uptick in ultra-high net worth realty,” said PCMA founder and CEO John Lynch. “At PCMA, we are honored to work with the distinguished private clients of Illinois, giving them access to credit services that celebrate their success without the friction of traditional lending.”

Despite rising interest rates and economic uncertainties, PCMA expects to continue experiencing growth of high-net-worth originations at a record pace this year.

“If you only focus on traditional mortgage channels, you will notice that luxury real estate has been mostly trading on all-cash offers,” Lynch added. “Paying all cash for a luxury property is not ideal for the high net worth sector, so we created The Collective, a streamlined approach to asset-based lending removing the need to pay all cash, collateralize or pledge vested holdings. These bespoke flexibilities were not available to the high-net-worth communities of Illinois before our expansion.”

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