New York man pleads guilty in mortgage fraud scheme

As part of the scheme, Jacob Deutsch provided false rent rolls and falsified leases to the victim financial institutions and their appraisers, which either overstated the number of renters by listing fictitious renters or others not actually living there, or falsely inflated the amount of rent paid by occupants, officials described.

Read more: New Jersey man draws nine-year prison stint for mortgage fraud

“Jacob Deutsch deceived inspectors into believing that unoccupied apartments were occupied by staging the apartments with furniture and by requiring BHPM employees to falsely tell inspectors they lived there and to lie to inspectors if asked whether there were vacancies,” according to the statement. “For instance, a rent roll and income and expense summary submitted by Jacob Deutsch to CBRE Capital Markets, Inc. (“CBRE”) in June 2018 falsely represented that 16 Evergreen Avenue was 100% occupied when, in fact, not a single tenant resided there at the time. Later, Jacob Deutsch e-mailed CBRE pictures of money orders and checks purporting to reflect rent payments from fake tenants on the falsified rent rolls for 16 Evergreen Avenue to show proof of payment of rent when, in fact, the money orders and checks had been purchased by Aron Deutsch or BHPM employees at Aron Deutsch’s direction.”

Jacob Deutsch also provided the victim financial institutions with false and inflated income statements and financials for the properties, doctored bank statements, doctored or false documents overstating the purchase price of various multifamily housing properties, and doctored checks and invoices showing false or overstated capital improvements made to those properties, the affidavit noted.

“The false information provided by Jacob Deutsch induced the victim financial institutions to issue loans that they otherwise would not have issued on the requested terms, or for amounts larger than they would have authorized had they been provided with truthful information,” officials wrote. “In addition, the false information induced Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to purchase the resulting loans from the victim financial institutions, and induced HUD to issue a mortgage insurance commitment to a victim financial institution.”

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