Mortgage boss liked the product so much, he bought the company

Bonzo helped bring various elements – cell phone, CRM, email, video, business line – on to a single platform, Jampedro explained. “Bonzo helped us to bring it all into one platform and from a management perspective get visibility,” he said. Unlike other industry CRM providers, Jampedro found the automated Bonzo platform was designed and priced to help salespeople attract and engage customers without all the traditional legwork, cost and time. He saw how that enables salespeople to spend less time and money chasing deals or implementing a new CRM, and more time building lasting client relationships.

He also quickly became a fan of the platform’s transparency that allowed for tracking engagement. “We could actually see these conversations happening,” Jampedro said. “One of the first campaigns we had was really powerful. We ran a campaign on leads that were about four months old – from different sources, and making sure they weren’t on no-call lists. We would watch these conversations through text and email, back and forth, almost with a rhythm. All of a sudden, we’d see these leads – that were essentially dead – now coming alive. Then it happened again and again and again. I said oh s**t – pardon my language – this is working. Then we did leads that were a year old and had the same results.”

Read more: Chad Jampedro, GO Mortgage

The more enamored he became of the product, the more he thought of becoming an investor – a prospect he actually asked about 20 days in: “We ended up adopting Bonzo, and then I asked jokingly: ‘Do you need an investor?’” The answer was ‘yes’, and Jampedro ended up in the role of angel investor for the product. “I didn’t see anything like it on the market,” he recalled. “Once I started to see the results, it wasn’t long to realize this is special and I wanted to be a part of it.”

Right off the bat, he saw how the platform aided him both personally and professionally, he said. “In the mortgage industry, when you’re in a leadership role, you have to be master of a number of different things – compliance, legal, all of those things, and not all of those things are sexy. So, when you turn those things off, your mind goes back to what you love about the business. For me, it was always around marketing and technology and just that whole relationship of making a connection and developing it.”

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