Many new hires unhappy with onboarding experience

Recent new hires indicate that their onboarding did not adequately cover many of the basics that employees need to be successful, including understanding relationship building (71%), organizational culture (62%), technology (54%) and their benefits (46%).

Employers are missing out on this important opportunity, says Melissa Jezior, president and CEO of Eagle Hill Consulting.

“Onboarding is a way to integrate new hires into your organization not only procedurally or from a process perspective, but in teaching them how to do their jobs. If you don’t spend time upfront integrating them into your organization, it never seems to go as well for the employee and, quite frankly, for the employer.”

It’s critical that employers address the issue as only 50% of workers expect to be at the same job three years from now, finds the survey of 782 employees in the US in February.

But what’s causing the problem?

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