Making the leap from retail to wholesale

And then everything was clear: “So I gave it a try and jumped over to Edge where I’ve been three and a half years now,” he said. “It was scary at first taking the leap to the brokers’ side and not having, what I thought at the time, as much support as I had at Fairway. But then I learned that I had that support as well — and even more from other brokers in the company, from the management.”

Read more: AIME secures lobbying firm services to broaden its voice

After a while to adjust to the new way of doing things, he was off and running: “It was kind of a leap of faith, working remotely and not in the office per se – you don’t have 10 other LOs around you, you’re kind of more on your own – but it was a step I was ready to take.”

MPA caught up with Bromley at last week’s AIME on Tour stop in Denver, one in a series of regional networking events designed to connect the organization’s members, independent mortgage brokers and wholesale mortgage professionals. The tour stops provide those in the industry with opportunities to secure updates about important initiatives while learning how to get involved in advocating for the broker community.

Bromley also credits part of his success to his use of video emails – a sales tactic not everyone embraces. Many are overly self-critical of how they come off on video, but the tool has served him well. He acknowledged, however, that he had a secret weapon in the form of his wife who has extensive experience in broadcasting. “To tell you the truth, I have a personal coach who shows me how to look good on camera,” he said of his wife.

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