Leadership lessons from Washington Capital Partners president Giselle Bonzi

Mortgage Professional America: When you began your career many years ago, did you ever imagine that you would have a leadership role in this profession?

Giselle Bonzi: If someone had me predict what I would be doing in 2022 back when I began my career, I would have never imagined that I would be working in real estate financing. While real estate financing has never been a calling or passion of mine, it has definitely been one that, throughout the years, I learned to love and respect. I wake every day very happy to know that through our work, we are empowering our investors, we are bettering our communities, and we are contributing to the economic growth of our society.

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MPA: Describe your leadership style and how you “lead” others. Is it different from your male counterparts?

GB: My leadership style is affiliative and very hands-off, as it puts a lot of expectations on an individual’s ability to perform what they know to do. I do so because I only hire people I believe are self-starters, who have a particular type of expertise, and who I know not only can do their work exceptionally well but who can teach me a thing or two along the way. I lead with compassion and understanding that people come first. I challenge my team members to reach the best version of themselves professionally and not settle for less – as I know, they are great. The way I lead is not different than a lot of my male counterparts; some are different, but I attribute that to personality differences and not gender specifically.

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