From timeshares to mortgages

Driven by curiosity

She describes her entry into the field as both serendipitous and driven by curiosity. “I was very interested in both the real estate and mortgage side. They both sounded pretty interesting,” she said.

Her official foray into real estate began with a conversation with a leading local realtor, but it was her interaction with the mortgage industry that truly piqued her interest. A chance interview revealed a surprising connection to her past in timeshare marketing.

“It’s very serendipitous, because when I interviewed, the managers asked me if I knew Chuck Tonkin…he’s the father of Dusty Tonkin, who was at Wyndham where I’d just come from,” she said.

Rockett Borofsky’s background in timeshare marketing, characterized by persuasive communication and a relentless pursuit of closing deals, seamlessly transitioned into her role in mortgage. “It’s a lot of talking to people and a lot of hustle on the marketing side…that kind of gave me the skills that I needed,” she explained.

And her approach to lead generation and client interaction was both assertive and innovative. Rockett Borofsky was always ready to respond to new leads, maintaining a high conversion rate through diligent follow-up and a hunger for success.

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