Former American Financial Resources president reassumes leadership role

“As someone who has been an AFR partner for almost a decade, we’re confident Tim will jump right back into this role and further our growth as we continue to expand our product offerings.”

Before returning to AFR, Yanoti was with Lincoln Holdings, serving as CFO and partner for its mortgage title insurance business. He was also executive vice president and chief growth officer for Ocwen, spearheading the company’s retail, correspondent, bulk, MSR purchase, and reverse businesses.

Yanoti’s experience includes several other leadership positions within the mortgage and banking industries, including head of global securitization for GE Capital, head of capital markets for GE Mortgage, head of securitization for Fannie Mae, and senior vice president and head of capital markets for National City Corporation, where he was also a board member.

“During my time away from AFR, I’ve watched the brand continue to grow as a successful leader in the mortgage industry, never wavering from its mission to bring more families home despite market changes,” Yanoti said.

“Now, just short of five years later, I’m looking forward to stepping back into this role to better serve our customers and partners moving forward, no matter what the future holds.”

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