Case study: Clear Capital’s streamlined APIs

“The idea is that with appraisal modernization … We want to help the process with better tools, better communication and notifications,” Chen said. “This API has been designed to help folks more easily ingest this new process and move from a traditional appraisal process to something like a hybrid approach.”

The Risk Assessment API connects to multiple elements of Clear Capital’s ClearCollateral Review (CCR) system, allowing users to funnel this into their workflow or platform/technology stack, Clear Capital explained in its announcement.

Newer approach

Using a single API to integrate multiple programs is a relatively new approach, Chen said.

“Especially for the Risk Assessment API, I think that it’s new thing,” Chen said. “For our automated underwriting tools, we’re giving people different access to these tools than it’s been done before and in the industry.”

Chen noted that platforms and software products often force users to log into whatever user experience being offered by the software provider. A streamlined approach gives APIs a more natural purpose, he said.

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