Broker explains why diversity matters

At the Fuse conference, she showed she not only talks the talk but walks the walk.

“There are people that do really want to do something but don’t know what to do,” she told MPA after her talk. “I did get a lot of feedback afterward from brokers, specifically Caucasian brokers that were saying ‘I really want to be a part of this and really want to help. Thank you for sharing the information so I can help too.”

She credited her mother with providing her with an example early on in terms of helping those outside the mainstream achieve homeownership: “I’ve always grown up around this industry,” she said. “My mom has always been a pillar for our community as well. That has always been an example to have it instilled to want to help people so we can all do better. If you have the knowledge and expertise, share it so that others can grow and prosper as well.”

Even if not guided by a sense of justice in helping achieve homeownership parity, it is important for brokers to take a good, hard look at the Black population with its abundance of would-be homeowners in the midst, she suggested.

“There are so many – not so many, there are millions – of Black Americans who are qualified and ready to purchase a home right now,” she said. “They just do not know it. So if you tap into that market, you have homebuyer-ready people.”

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