Broker credits immigrant status for her success

She describes the muscular goal as working on one’s physique: “It’s like going to the gym and lifting weights,” she explained. “You don’t become a bodybuilder overnight. It’s consistent, small, repeated action over time layered upon other action.”

What drives her, she said, is the pursuit of the American dream – an aspiration made more achievable given her immigrant status. She was born in Kiev, Ukraine.

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“I grew up very poor, and seeing that we live in a country with so much opportunity, I approach every day like it’s my first day in the business,” she said. “I literally work so hard every day and I do it because I choose to do it and continue to want to grow. And now, being a mother of two in my 40s, I want to show my kids that you can do anything as long as you just make a commitment and follow through on those commitments with daily consistent repetition of action.”

Even when she is fatigued, she powers through, she added. “There are going to be those moments when you’re on the brink of saying I just can’t,” she said. “But I don’t let myself say ‘I can’t’. I will not speak that language. And when you can control that you realize you have so much power.”

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