A&D Mortgage: Spring into the non-QM market

DSCR – A typical non-QM Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan allows a borrower to qualify for a mortgage based on cash flow generated from an investment property – through a rental, for example – as opposed to their personal income.

Prime jumbo – Prime jumbo loans are a financing option for borrowers who intend to purchase a home that exceeds GSE guidelines. Borrowers who cannot qualify for an agency loan because the price of their home is beyond allowable limits, can secure financing with a prime jumbo loan. Designed to finance luxury properties and homes in competitive real estate markets,

Asset utilization –Non-QM Asset Utilization loans allow borrowers to use their personal assets as a means to qualify for a home mortgage. This loan is suitable for wealthy investors looking to buy higher-priced mansions or multiple properties.

DSCR, prime jumbo, and asset utilization loans are great options for those borrowers looking to purchase higher-priced homes in expensive housing markets, like Florida, California, New York, and Illinois.

So, this spring, if your clients are in the market to purchase their dream home, a second home, or an investment property, you would be well-served to work with the best non-QM lender — A&D Mortgage.

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